Footways and verges

The county council will continue to inspect the network of footways and verges and undertake repairs in line with the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management plan.

Siding-off the grass on footways, repairing/ reseeding grass verges (often caused from cars driving over them after wet weather) and repairing a grass rut, are not imperative for a safe functioning of the highway, but are appreciated by local residents if well maintained.

What is the task that local councils could carry out?

  • keeping footways clear of vegetation
  • repairing and re-seeding grass verges

How could local councils go about it?

The community or contractors can carry out these tasks, but we suggest that you contact us first to talk about:

  • avoiding exposing/creating additional defects
  • the safe disposal of any materials

You can then use this method statement to carry out the work –  How to carry out changes to highways verges

What are some of the things local councils should consider when considering or carrying out this task?

What’s the first step?

Who should I contact to get the ball rolling?

Contact your Community Highways Liaison Officer in the first instance .

Quick tasks